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Employment / Further Education

Helpful Links and information


  • Access to work Get support from the government if you have a disability or health condition, ranging from equipment to a job coach.



  • Ambitious About Autism - Some useful toolkits with information on inclusive youth groups and physical / mental health. Great resources for young people, parents and professionals. 

  • Ambitious about Autism - A great range of practical resources, including templates and posters, that young people can download and use at home. 




  • EmployAbility was established in 2006 as the not-for-profit organisation dedicated to assisting students and graduates with all disabilities, including dyslexia or long term health conditions, into employment. They have a wide network of relationships with universities, other disability charities and many other key stakeholders, and are always looking to reach out to new candidates.




  • National Autistic Society has a booklet and lots of helpful online information on the workplace, your rights and links to support, assessment and how your employer should support you.




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