Essex Disability and Carers Forum
My name is Roger Pope and I am a volunteer for both PACT for Autism and a volunteer forum member on the “ Collaborate Essex Disability and Carers Forum”, with Healthwatch Essex, Summit and Essex County Council.

What is this collaboration and how will it help?
Healthwatch Essex captures the lived experiences of people who use health and social care services in the county.
'Over the next 3 years, we are working with Essex County Council to deliver a new model of service improvement, representing adults with disabilities by using lived experience more effectively.
Feeding into council plans, we are developing a ‘Collaboration in Action’ Forum, which will consist of volunteers and Essex County Council staff.
We are passionate about collaboration and ensuring that citizen voices and lived experience is at the heart of everything we do.'
The forum meets on a quarterly basis and will cover different topics each month.
The next meeting is TBC
The meeting will discuss TBC.
If you have any concerns, questions or experiences (good / bad) to share please contact me on the below email, and I will ensure it is included in this meeting and discussed.
This is your chance to help shape future services, I look forward to hearing from you
Roger Pope
Forum member / PACT for Autism volunteer.
Collaborate Essex Disability and Carers Forum