Helpful Links and information
Chewigem - A company that makes and sells a wide range of items for sensory seeking chewers, also offer advice and support.
Beyond Words - People who can’t read or who don’t like written words are often very good at reading pictures. The books all tell a story, but they also let the reader tell their own story – the one they see in the pictures. This can tell you a lot about a person’s inner world and their understanding of situations.
Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) - A resource providing access to photo symbols and easy read information. Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) is an Essex-wide training package that teaches the families and carers of adults with learning disabilities how to use a variety of different forms of communication. This helps those with learning disabilities to understand and be understood, and become fully involved in their life plans by taking their communication needs into account.
Summit - Essex user engagement for Adults with Learning difficulties and /or Autism
All about me profile / Living Well Essex - An easy read version personal profile to help provide the best individual support for adults with a learning disability or autism in Essex